Current support
Majumder, M. “Overcoming Cracking in High Capacity Battery Electrodes by Spontaneous Micro-structuring”, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (United States), $160,773, 2023.
Majumder, M., Losic, D., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Choudhury, N., Tabor, R., Dubal, D., Medhekar, N., Polyzos, A., Shaibani, M., McLaughlin, M. J., Tsanaktsidis, J., Boley, M., Yellishetty, M., Kim, S. O., Pollard, A. J., Kida , T., Bianco, A., Savage, S., Hunt, S., Voigt, P., DeTata, D., Nanjundan, A. K. & Erdman, A. , ARC Research Hub for Advanced Manufacturing with 2D Materials (AM2D), $4,279,165 – ARC, $946,000 – Monash, UoA, UoM, UNSW, RMIT, CSIRO, $3,590,000 – Ionic, Sparc, NematiQ, GMG, SER, Industrial Innovations, 2021.
Majumder, M., Jasieniak, J., Guijt, R., Garnier, G., Dumee, L., Joshi, R., Choudhury, N., Neild, A., Yuce, M.R., Xie, Z., Deganello, D., Savage, S., “Integrated Functional Printing Facility for Advanced Material Technologies”, ARC LIEF, $1,100,000 – ARC, $550,000 – Monash University, $495,000 – UNSW, CSIRO, Deakin & RMIT, $100,000 – Ionic Industries, 2020.
Previous support
Majumder, M., Sharifzadeh Mirshekarloo, M., Sharon, Y., Chakraborty Banerjee, P., Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Supercapacitors, Ionic Industries, $248,463, 2019-2020
Majumder, M., Cumarasamy, S., Graphene Oxide Membrane Scale-up, Ionic Industries, $250,000, 2019.
Majumder, M., Chakraborty Banerjee, P., Sharifzadeh Mirshekarloo, M., Cumarasamy, S., Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Origami/Kirigami Supercapacitors”, Ionic Industries, $115,000, 2018-19.
Hill, Majumder, Shaibani, & Kaskel, “Advanced Separators for Li-S Batteries”, ARC DP, $400,000, 2019-21.
Bahrani, B., Wordley, S., Shaibani, M., Majumder, M., Drummond, T., Razzaghi, R., “Next-Generation Powertrain Systems for Electric Vehicles”, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Comm), $751,852.00 and Regal Beloit Australia Pty Ltd, $48,640.00, 2019-21
Banerjee, Majumder, “Printable on-chip electrochemical energy storage technology for biomedical applications”, MEMSI seed grant, $25,000, 2017.
Majumder, Banerjee, “Printed Supercapacitor Research”, Ionic Industries, $223,000, 2017.
Voigt, Savage, Majumder (lead CI from Monash University), Deletic, Tabor, McCarthy, “Power Efficient Wastewater Treatment using Graphene Oxide Technology, CRC-P (DIISR, Clean TeQ, Ionic Industries), $1,132,285, 2017.
Majumder, Shaibani, “LiS battery & ultracapacitor hybrid device”, Clean Future Energy, $1,411,380, 2017.
Losic, Skafidis, Majumder et al. “ARC Graphene Enabled Industrial Transformation Research Hub” (Total budget: $4.9M over five years, Monash University node – $1,500,000 over five years, node leader – Majumder)
Majumder, “2016 Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Lecturer Series”, Faculty of Engineering, $11,500, 2016.
Majumder, Neild, “Microsupercapacitor Prototype Development”, Ionic Industries, $198,000, 2016.
Majumder, “Further development of SuperSands – novel materials that have the potential for commercial application”, Ionic Industries, $40,000, 2015.
Majumder and Tanksale, “Bench Scale Facility for Producing Graphene”, Strategic Energy Resources, $280,000, 2014-15.
Majumder, Wang, Liu, Bhattacharyya, Hill, Rechner, “Green Manufacturing of Graphene from Indigenous Natural Graphite and Graphene-based Nano-filtration Membranes” ARC Linkage, $375,000, 2014-17.
Neild, Majumder, Alan et al. “Micro-/Nano-fluidics Characterization Facility”, ARC LIEF, $600,000, 2013-2014.
Majumder, “Monash Researcher Accelerator Program”, Monash University, $85,000, 2013-14.
Majumder, “Towards Wearable Energy Storage Technology From Graphene-Coated Fibers” Monash University Engineering Seed Grant, $30,000, 2012-13.
Majumder, “Controlled Growth of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Nanofluidic Applications” New Staff Members Research Fund, Monash University, $12,500, 2010-11.
Majumder, Collier Trust Grant, $3000, 2011.
Majumder, Jagadeeshan, Singh, Pasquali, and Ajayan “Nanotechnology Enabled Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials from Indigenous Natural Graphite”, ARC Linkage, $300,000, 2011-13.
Majumder, Corry, and Schaefer “Carbon Nanotube Fluidic Channels for Desalination – Interplay of Nanoscale Confinement and Electrostatics” ARC Discovery, $435,000, 2011-14.
Majumder, “Fish-Gill’ Inspired Microvascular Fluidic Scaffolds”, Monash University Engineering Small Grants, $30,000, 2011-12.
Majumder, “NANODOCKS – Liquid Phase Engineered Graphene-Oxide/Graphene Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications” New Staff Members Research Fund, Monash University, $20,000, 2010-11.